Sample ====== This page includes samples of the expected output of the theme as well as the input used to generate it. Second level headings --------------------- Second level heading section content. Third level headings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third level heading section content. Fourth level headings ********************* Fourth level heading section content. Fifth level headings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fifth level heading section content. Sixth level headings ++++++++++++++++++++ Sixth level heading section content. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Sample :end-before: .. literalinclude Lists ----- Unordered lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * list item 1. * list item 2. * nested list item 1. * nested list item 2. * double nested list item 1. * nested list item 3. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Unordered lists :end-before: .. literalinclude Ordered lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. List item 1. #. List item 2. #. Nested list item 1. #. Nested list item 2. #. Double nested list item 1. #. Nested list item 3. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Ordered lists :end-before: .. literalinclude Definition lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Definition list item 1 Definition text for definition list item 1. Definition list item 2 Definition text for definition list item 2. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Definition lists :end-before: .. literalinclude Code ---- Inline code ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. role:: py3(code) :language: python3 Here is some sample inline code: :py3:`if test: return True`. .. attention:: If you need inline syntax highlighting, you must include a :file:`docutils.conf` file in the same directory as your :file:`` file. The required content of the file is shown below (see .. literalinclude:: docutils.conf .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Inline code :end-before: .. attention Code blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python3 :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2 def double(x): return 2 * x .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Code blocks :end-before: .. literalinclude Code tabs ~~~~~~~~~ Tabs can be used to show multiple examples without excessive space. The code can be entered directly or included from a file. .. tabgroup:: .. codetab:: python Python import sys .. codetab:: ruby Ruby require sys .. literaltab:: From file :language: python3 .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Code tabs :end-before: .. literalinclude Tables ------ .. table:: ======================== =========== ========== ======= ==== === Table header column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Col. 4 C5 C6 ======================== =========== ========== ======= ==== === Row 1 data 1.0 0.1234 0.001 10.0 -1 Row 2 data 1000.0 -1.2345 5.01 \- \- ======================== =========== ========== ======= ==== === .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Tables :end-before: .. literalinclude Admonitions ----------- Built-in types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. attention:: Attention .. caution:: Caution .. danger:: Danger .. error:: Error .. hint:: Hint .. important:: Important .. note:: Note .. tip:: Tip .. warning:: Warning .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Built-in types :end-before: .. literalinclude Additional types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These types require you to add the class explicitly using ``:class: classname``. Applicable classnames are shown in each admonition. .. admonition:: Abstract :class: abstract - abstract - summary - tldr .. admonition:: Info :class: info - info - todo .. admonition:: Success :class: success - success - check - done .. admonition:: Question :class: question - question - help - faq .. admonition:: Failure :class: failure - failure - fail - missing .. admonition:: Bug :class: bug - bug .. admonition:: Example :class: example - example - snippet .. admonition:: Quote :class: quote - quote - cite .. admonition:: Deprecated :class: deprecated - deprecated - archived .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Additional types :end-before: .. literalinclude Miscellaneous ------------- Blockquotes ~~~~~~~~~~~ Blockquote content. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Blockquotes :end-before: .. literalinclude Nested blockquotes ****************** Blockquote content. Nested blockquote content. Double nested blockquote content. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Nested blockquotes :end-before: .. literalinclude Horizontal rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is some text before a horizontal rule. ---- Here is some text after a horizontal rule .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Horizontal rules :end-before: .. literalinclude Epigraphs ~~~~~~~~~ .. epigraph:: This is an epigraph. -- by an Author .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Epigraphs :end-before: .. literalinclude Topics ~~~~~~ .. topic:: Topic title This is a topic .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Topics :end-before: .. literalinclude Sidebars ~~~~~~~~ .. sidebar:: Sidebar title :class: admonition This is a sidebar Here is some text that will flow around the sidebar that follows. If we have something interesting to say, we can put it in the sidebar. .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Sidebars :end-before: .. literalinclude Collapsible blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. details:: Details hidden by default Here is some content that is hidden before opening. .. details:: Details shown by default :open: Here is some content that is shown by default .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Collapsible blocks :end-before: .. literalinclude IFrames ~~~~~~~ Embed existing HTML files (such as Doxygen output) in generated pages. .. iframe:: index.html .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: IFrames :end-before: .. literalinclude Images ~~~~~~ Embed an image with optional alignment. .. image:: _images/epfl-logo-new.svg :width: 25% :align: left .. image:: _images/epfl-logo-new.svg :width: 25% :align: center .. image:: _images/epfl-logo-new.svg :width: 25% :align: right .. literalinclude:: sample.rst :language: rst :start-at: Images :end-before: .. literalinclude